Welcome to LIMA – Life In Middle Age, a website for women who are looking for guidance to live a more aligned life.

About me

How is it to be a woman in the world today? How can you live your life more aligned to your soul’s purpose? Are you interested in being more present and connected to your innate wisdom as a woman?

LIMA Lifestyle supports women from all walks of life to navigate the transitions of being a woman in the world today. LIMA was born out of my own challenging experiences which led me to start living my life from a place of intention and attention.

My aim is to share the wisdom I have gained along with the wisdom I have always had as a woman. My years on this earth have been varied and I have lived many lifetimes. I have overcome many obstacles and now I would like to help you.

LIMA offers individual sessions of Psychotherapy, Reiki energy healing, Lifestyle coaching or Mindfulness and Meditation practices. LIMA also offers group workshops for those wishing to connect with other women.

I am available for

Holistic Therapy

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Lifestyle Coaching

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Walk & Talk

Eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat